Oak Window Sill Bathroom

Oak Window Sill Bathroom

Wild walnut dining table and side table top rustic features enhanced with resin  1828x1118 & 762x1118 crafted  from 2590x1118 and cut into required 2 sections to ensure corresponding features & continuity of the grain.   www.EarthyTimber.com

Wild walnut dining table and side table top rustic features enhanced with resin
1828x1118 & 762x1118 crafted from 2590x1118 and cut into required 2 sections to ensure corresponding features & continuity of the grain.


"... I am delighted with the walnut dinning room table top - it is the most beautiful piece of wood and is a fitting centrepiece..." Andrew, Melton Mowbray

Unique dining tables designed by @asstawicki www.ASStawicki.com

Organic marketing by @organic.mareketer www.mareketer.com

#diningtable #walnuttable #luxurydiningroom #customtable #englishwalnut #handcraftedtable #rivertable #resintable #bespoketable #woodentable #eleganttable #luxuryinteriors #luxuryhome #interiordesign #interiordecor #luxuryhome #asstawicki #art #woodart #functionalart #artwood #liveedgetable @earthydesign @asstawicki @timberdeal


4 0

Wild walnut dining table and side table top rustic features enhanced with resin  1828x1118 & 762x1118 crafted  from 2590x1118 and cut into required 2 sections to ensure corresponding features & continuity of the grain.   www.EarthyTimber.com

Wild walnut dining table and side table top rustic features enhanced with resin
1828x1118 & 762x1118 crafted from 2590x1118 and cut into required 2 sections to ensure corresponding features & continuity of the grain.


"... I am delighted with the walnut dinning room table top - it is the most beautiful piece of wood and is a fitting centrepiece..." Andrew, Melton Mowbray

Unique dining tables designed by @asstawicki www.ASStawicki.com

Organic marketing by @organic.mareketer www.mareketer.com

#diningtable #walnuttable #luxurydiningroom #customtable #englishwalnut #handcraftedtable #rivertable #resintable #bespoketable #woodentable #eleganttable #luxuryinteriors #luxuryhome #interiordesign #interiordecor #luxuryhome #asstawicki #art #woodart #functionalart #artwood #liveedgetable @earthydesign @asstawicki @timberdeal


2 0

Wild walnut dining table and side table top rustic features enhanced with resin  1828x1118 & 762x1118 crafted  from 2590x1118 and cut into required 2 sections to ensure corresponding features & continuity of the grain.   www.EarthyTimber.com

Wild walnut dining table and side table top rustic features enhanced with resin
1828x1118 & 762x1118 crafted from 2590x1118 and cut into required 2 sections to ensure corresponding features & continuity of the grain.


"... I am delighted with the walnut dinning room table top - it is the most beautiful piece of wood and is a fitting centrepiece..." Andrew, Melton Mowbray

Unique dining tables designed by @asstawicki www.ASStawicki.com

Organic marketing by @organic.mareketer www.mareketer.com

#diningtable #walnuttable #luxurydiningroom #customtable #englishwalnut #handcraftedtable #rivertable #resintable #bespoketable #woodentable #eleganttable #luxuryinteriors #luxuryhome #interiordesign #interiordecor #luxuryhome #asstawicki #art #woodart #functionalart #artwood #liveedgetable @earthydesign @asstawicki @timberdeal


2 1

Wild walnut dining table and side table top rustic features enhanced with resin  1828x1118 & 762x1118 crafted  from 2590x1118 and cut into required 2 sections to ensure corresponding features & continuity of the grain.   www.EarthyTimber.com

Wild walnut dining table and side table top rustic features enhanced with resin
1828x1118 & 762x1118 crafted from 2590x1118 and cut into required 2 sections to ensure corresponding features & continuity of the grain.


"... I am delighted with the walnut dinning room table top - it is the most beautiful piece of wood and is a fitting centrepiece..." Andrew, Melton Mowbray

Unique dining tables designed by @asstawicki www.ASStawicki.com

Organic marketing by @organic.mareketer www.mareketer.com

#diningtable #walnuttable #luxurydiningroom #customtable #englishwalnut #handcraftedtable #rivertable #resintable #bespoketable #woodentable #eleganttable #luxuryinteriors #luxuryhome #interiordesign #interiordecor #luxuryhome #asstawicki #art #woodart #functionalart #artwood #liveedgetable @earthydesign @asstawicki @timberdeal


0 0

Wild walnut dining table and side table top rustic features enhanced with resin  1828x1118 & 762x1118 crafted  from 2590x1118 and cut into required 2 sections to ensure corresponding features & continuity of the grain.   www.EarthyTimber.com

Wild walnut dining table and side table top rustic features enhanced with resin
1828x1118 & 762x1118 crafted from 2590x1118 and cut into required 2 sections to ensure corresponding features & continuity of the grain.


"... I am delighted with the walnut dinning room table top - it is the most beautiful piece of wood and is a fitting centrepiece..." Andrew, Melton Mowbray

Unique dining tables designed by @asstawicki www.ASStawicki.com

Organic marketing by @organic.mareketer www.mareketer.com

#diningtable #walnuttable #luxurydiningroom #customtable #englishwalnut #handcraftedtable #rivertable #resintable #bespoketable #woodentable #eleganttable #luxuryinteriors #luxuryhome #interiordesign #interiordecor #luxuryhome #asstawicki #art #woodart #functionalart #artwood #liveedgetable @earthydesign @asstawicki @timberdeal


3 0

Wild walnut dining table and side table top rustic features enhanced with resin  1828x1118 & 762x1118 crafted  from 2590x1118 and cut into required 2 sections to ensure corresponding features & continuity of the grain.   www.EarthyTimber.com

Wild walnut dining table and side table top rustic features enhanced with resin
1828x1118 & 762x1118 crafted from 2590x1118 and cut into required 2 sections to ensure corresponding features & continuity of the grain.


"... I am delighted with the walnut dinning room table top - it is the most beautiful piece of wood and is a fitting centrepiece..." Andrew, Melton Mowbray

Unique dining tables designed by @asstawicki www.ASStawicki.com

Organic marketing by @organic.mareketer www.mareketer.com

#diningtable #walnuttable #luxurydiningroom #customtable #englishwalnut #handcraftedtable #rivertable #resintable #bespoketable #woodentable #eleganttable #luxuryinteriors #luxuryhome #interiordesign #interiordecor #luxuryhome #asstawicki #art #woodart #functionalart #artwood #liveedgetable @earthydesign @asstawicki @timberdeal


3 0

English oak dining table & matching bench by Earthy Timber, delicately infused resin tables handcrafted in the UK www.EarthyTimber.com

English oak dining table & matching bench by Earthy Timber, delicately infused resin tables handcrafted in the UK www.EarthyTimber.com

"Earthy Timber delivered our oak table today and it is exceptional..."
Julie & Pete, Haywards Heath

Unique wood resin tables designed by AS Stawicki www.ASStawicki.com

#diningtable #liveedgetable #earthytimber #interiordesign #liveedge #resintable #bespoketable #englishoak #handcraftedtable #designertable #designertables #designerfurniture #asstawicki #modernhomes #oaktable #woodentable #englishhome #luxuryhomes #luxurykitchendesign #kitchendesign #beautifulhomes #beautifultable #tabledesign #art #modernart #practicalart #functionalart @earthydesign @timberdeal @asstawicki

Organic marketing by @organic.mareketer www.mareketer.com


12 0

English oak dining table & matching bench by Earthy Timber, delicately infused resin tables handcrafted in the UK www.EarthyTimber.com

English oak dining table & matching bench by Earthy Timber, delicately infused resin tables handcrafted in the UK www.EarthyTimber.com

"Earthy Timber delivered our oak table today and it is exceptional..."
Julie & Pete, Haywards Heath

Unique wood resin tables designed by AS Stawicki www.ASStawicki.com

#diningtable #liveedgetable #earthytimber #interiordesign #liveedge #resintable #bespoketable #englishoak #handcraftedtable #designertable #designertables #designerfurniture #asstawicki #modernhomes #oaktable #woodentable #englishhome #luxuryhomes #luxurykitchendesign #kitchendesign #beautifulhomes #beautifultable #tabledesign #art #modernart #practicalart #functionalart @earthydesign @timberdeal @asstawicki

Organic marketing by @organic.mareketer www.mareketer.com


4 0

English oak dining table & matching bench by Earthy Timber, delicately infused resin tables handcrafted in the UK www.EarthyTimber.com

English oak dining table & matching bench by Earthy Timber, delicately infused resin tables handcrafted in the UK www.EarthyTimber.com

"Earthy Timber delivered our oak table today and it is exceptional..."
Julie & Pete, Haywards Heath

Unique wood resin tables designed by AS Stawicki www.ASStawicki.com

#diningtable #liveedgetable #earthytimber #interiordesign #liveedge #resintable #bespoketable #englishoak #handcraftedtable #designertable #designertables #designerfurniture #asstawicki #modernhomes #oaktable #woodentable #englishhome #luxuryhomes #luxurykitchendesign #kitchendesign #beautifulhomes #beautifultable #tabledesign #art #modernart #practicalart #functionalart @earthydesign @timberdeal @asstawicki

Organic marketing by @organic.mareketer www.mareketer.com


3 0

Live edge oak desk by EARTHY TIMBER. Vacuum kiln dried & hand-crafted to order in our Sussex based workshop   www.EarthyTimber.com   Design by AS STAWICKI www.ASStawicki.com

Live edge oak desk by EARTHY TIMBER. Vacuum kiln dried & hand-crafted to order in our Sussex based workshop

Design by AS STAWICKI www.ASStawicki.com

"The desk takes centre stage in my study and looks amazing. The best piece of furniture I have ever bought. Will be going back soon for more!!" Simon, The Little Green Energy Company

#oakdesk #liveedgedesk #liveedgeoakdesk #bespokedesk #beautifulwooddesk #homestudy #homestudydesk #uniquewood #homeofficedesign #homeofficedesk #luxurydesk #desktable #sitstanddesk #sitstandworkstation #kilndried #vacuumkiln #liveedgewood @earthydesign @timberdeal @asstawicki
Organic marketing by @organic.mareketer www.mareketer.com


1 0

Live edge oak desk by EARTHY TIMBER. Vacuum kiln dried & hand-crafted to order in our Sussex based workshop   www.EarthyTimber.com   Design by AS STAWICKI www.ASStawicki.com

Live edge oak desk by EARTHY TIMBER. Vacuum kiln dried & hand-crafted to order in our Sussex based workshop

Design by AS STAWICKI www.ASStawicki.com

"The desk takes centre stage in my study and looks amazing. The best piece of furniture I have ever bought. Will be going back soon for more!!" Simon, The Little Green Energy Company

#oakdesk #liveedgedesk #liveedgeoakdesk #bespokedesk #beautifulwooddesk #homestudy #homestudydesk #uniquewood #appledesktop #homeofficedesign #homeofficedesk #luxurydesk #desktable #sitstanddesk #sitstandworkstation #kilndried #vacuumkiln #liveedgewood @earthydesign @timberdeal @asstawicki

Organic marketing by @organic.mareketer www.mareketer.com


0 0

Live edge oak desk by EARTHY TIMBER. Vacuum kiln dried & hand-crafted to order in our Sussex based workshop   www.EarthyTimber.com   Design by AS STAWICKI www.ASStawicki.com

Live edge oak desk by EARTHY TIMBER. Vacuum kiln dried & hand-crafted to order in our Sussex based workshop

Design by AS STAWICKI www.ASStawicki.com

"The desk takes centre stage in my study and looks amazing. The best piece of furniture I have ever bought. Will be going back soon for more!!" Simon, The Little Green Energy Company

#oakdesk #liveedgedesk #liveedgeoakdesk #bespokedesk #beautifulwooddesk #homestudy #homestudydesk #uniquewood #homeofficedesign #homeofficedesk #luxurydesk #desktable #sitstanddesk #sitstandworkstation #kilndried #vacuumkiln #liveedgewood @earthydesign @timberdeal @asstawicki

Organic marketing by @organic.mareketer www.mareketer.com


1 0

Live edge oak desk by EARTHY TIMBER. Vacuum kiln dried & hand-crafted to order in our Sussex based workshop   www.EarthyTimber.com   Design by AS STAWICKI www.ASStawicki.com

Live edge oak desk by EARTHY TIMBER. Vacuum kiln dried & hand-crafted to order in our Sussex based workshop

Design by AS STAWICKI www.ASStawicki.com

"The desk takes centre stage in my study and looks amazing. The best piece of furniture I have ever bought. Will be going back soon for more!!" Simon, The Little Green Energy Company

#oakdesk #liveedgedesk #liveedgeoakdesk #bespokedesk #beautifulwooddesk #homestudy #homestudydesk #uniquewood #homeofficedesign #homeofficedesk #luxurydesk #desktable #sitstanddesk #sitstandworkstation #kilndried #vacuumkiln #liveedgewood @earthydesign @timberdeal @asstawicki

Organic marketing by @organic.mareketer www.mareketer.com


0 0

Live edge oak desk by EARTHY TIMBER. Vacuum kiln dried & hand-crafted to order in our Sussex based workshop   www.EarthyTimber.com   Design by AS STAWICKI www.ASStawicki.com

Live edge oak desk by EARTHY TIMBER. Vacuum kiln dried & hand-crafted to order in our Sussex based workshop

Design by AS STAWICKI www.ASStawicki.com

"The desk takes centre stage in my study and looks amazing. The best piece of furniture I have ever bought. Will be going back soon for more!!" Simon, The Little Green Energy Company

#oakdesk #liveedgedesk #liveedgeoakdesk #bespokedesk #beautifulwooddesk #homestudy #homestudydesk #uniquewood #homeofficedesign #homeofficedesk #luxurydesk #desktable #sitstanddesk #sitstandworkstation #kilndried #vacuumkiln #liveedgewood @earthydesign @timberdeal @asstawicki

Organic marketing by @organic.mareketer www.mareketer.com


1 0

English walnut desk from Earthy Timber. Elegant, timeless furniture design by AS Stawicki.   www.EarthyTimber.com  www.ASStawicki.com

English walnut desk from Earthy Timber. Elegant, timeless furniture design by AS Stawicki.


"I took delivery of a walnut desk this week and could not be more pleased. It has the most beautiful grain and finish and a warm touch. A real joy to sit at. I cannot think why anyone would buy an expensive Italian designed desk made from plastic or processed wood and pay more for it." Kevin, London

#beautifuldesk #woodendesk #bespokedesk #refinedfurniture #elegantdesk #executivedesk #wooddesk #desktop #homeoffice #homeofficedesk #homeofficedecor #workfromhome #tabledesk #desktable #luxuryhomes #luxuryinteriors #luxuryinteriordesign #interiordesign #officedesign #englishwalnut #asstawicki #earthytimber #riverdesk #resindesk #epoxytable #liveedgedesk #liveedgewood #liveedgefurniture @earthydesign @asstawicki @timberdeal


3 0

English walnut desk from Earthy Timber. Elegant, timeless furniture design by AS Stawicki.   www.EarthyTimber.com  www.ASStawicki.com

English walnut desk from Earthy Timber. Elegant, timeless furniture design by AS Stawicki.


"I took delivery of a walnut desk this week and could not be more pleased. It has the most beautiful grain and finish and a warm touch. A real joy to sit at. I cannot think why anyone would buy an expensive Italian designed desk made from plastic or processed wood and pay more for it." Kevin, London

#beautifuldesk #woodendesk #bespokedesk #refinedfurniture #elegantdesk #executivedesk #wooddesk #desktop #homeoffice #homeofficedesk #homeofficedecor #workfromhome #tabledesk #desktable #luxuryhomes #luxuryinteriors #luxuryinteriordesign #interiordesign #officedesign #englishwalnut #asstawicki #earthytimber #riverdesk #resindesk #epoxytable #liveedgedesk #liveedgewood #liveedgefurniture @earthydesign @asstawicki @timberdeal


3 0

English walnut desk from Earthy Timber. Elegant, timeless furniture design by AS Stawicki.   www.EarthyTimber.com  www.ASStawicki.com

English walnut desk from Earthy Timber. Elegant, timeless furniture design by AS Stawicki.


"I took delivery of a walnut desk this week and could not be more pleased. It has the most beautiful grain and finish and a warm touch. A real joy to sit at. I cannot think why anyone would buy an expensive Italian designed desk made from plastic or processed wood and pay more for it." Kevin, London

#beautifuldesk #woodendesk #bespokedesk #refinedfurniture #elegantdesk #executivedesk #wooddesk #desktop #homeoffice #homeofficedesk #homeofficedecor #workfromhome #tabledesk #desktable #luxuryhomes #luxuryinteriors #luxuryinteriordesign #interiordesign #officedesign #englishwalnut #asstawicki #earthytimber #riverdesk #resindesk #epoxytable #liveedgedesk #liveedgewood #liveedgefurniture @earthydesign @asstawicki @timberdeal


2 0

English walnut desk from Earthy Timber. Elegant, timeless furniture design by AS Stawicki.   www.EarthyTimber.com  www.ASStawicki.com

English walnut desk from Earthy Timber. Elegant, timeless furniture design by AS Stawicki.


"I took delivery of a walnut desk this week and could not be more pleased. It has the most beautiful grain and finish and a warm touch. A real joy to sit at. I cannot think why anyone would buy an expensive Italian designed desk made from plastic or processed wood and pay more for it." Kevin, London

#beautifuldesk #woodendesk #bespokedesk #refinedfurniture #elegantdesk #executivedesk #wooddesk #desktop #homeoffice #homeofficedesk #homeofficedecor #workfromhome #tabledesk #desktable #luxuryhomes #luxuryinteriors #luxuryinteriordesign #interiordesign #officedesign #englishwalnut #asstawicki #earthytimber #riverdesk #resindesk #epoxytable #liveedgedesk #liveedgewood #liveedgefurniture @earthydesign @asstawicki @timberdeal


2 0

Walnut river dining table & matching bench by Earthy Timber, rustic features subtly enhanced with smoked resin, waterproof finish.

Walnut river dining table & matching bench by Earthy Timber, rustic features subtly enhanced with smoked resin, waterproof finish.

"The table is a work of art. A life-long piece, it's stunning." Kate, London

Designed by AS Stawicki www.ASStawicki.com

#earthytimber #asstawicki #artwood #functionalart #diningtable #walnuttable #walnutdiningtable #bespoketable #liveedgetable #rivertable #rivertables #resintable #resintables #openplanliving #kitchendiner #interiordesign #luxuryhomes #luxuryinteriors #woodentable #rawedge @earthydesign @asstawicki @timberdeal


1 0

Walnut river dining table & matching bench by Earthy Timber, rustic features subtly enhanced with smoked resin, waterproof finish.

Walnut river dining table & matching bench by Earthy Timber, rustic features subtly enhanced with smoked resin, waterproof finish.

"The table is a work of art. A life-long piece, it's stunning." Kate, London

Designed by AS Stawicki www.ASStawicki.com

#earthytimber #asstawicki #artwood #functionalart #diningtable #walnuttable #walnutdiningtable #bespoketable #liveedgetable #rivertable #rivertables #resintable #resintables #openplanliving #kitchendiner #interiordesign #luxuryhomes #luxuryinteriors #woodentable #rawedge @earthydesign @asstawicki @timberdeal


2 0

Walnut resin dining table & matching bench by Earthy Timber, rustic features subtly enhanced with smoked resin, waterproof finish.

Walnut resin dining table & matching bench by Earthy Timber, rustic features subtly enhanced with smoked resin, waterproof finish.

"The table is a work of art. A life-long piece, it's stunning." Kate, London

Designed by AS Stawicki www.ASStawicki.com

#earthytimber #asstawicki #artwood #functionalart #diningtable #walnuttable #walnutdiningtable #bespoketable #liveedgetable #rivertable #rivertables #resintable #resintables #openplanliving #kitchendiner #interiordesign #luxuryhomes #luxuryinteriors #woodentable #rawedge @earthydesign @asstawicki @timberdeal


3 1

Walnut resin dining table & matching bench by Earthy Timber, rustic features subtly enhanced with smoked resin, waterproof finish.

Walnut resin dining table & matching bench by Earthy Timber, rustic features subtly enhanced with smoked resin, waterproof finish.

"The table is a work of art. A life-long piece, it's stunning." Kate, London

Designed by AS Stawicki www.ASStawicki.com

#earthytimber #asstawicki #artwood #functionalart #diningtable #walnuttable #walnutdiningtable #bespoketable #liveedgetable #rivertable #rivertables #resintable #resintables #openplanliving #kitchendiner #interiordesign #luxuryhomes #luxuryinteriors #woodentable #rawedge @earthydesign @asstawicki @timberdeal


4 0

Reclaimed English oak dining table by EARTHY TIMBER. Beautiful imperfections, scars, knots &  voids enhanced with resin.  www.EarthyTimber.com

Reclaimed English oak dining table by EARTHY TIMBER. Beautiful imperfections, scars, knots & voids enhanced with resin.


"...The Dining TABLE - left us speechless! A great piece of artwork! The wood speaks to us. We love the natural lines and the earthy feel. The wavy rugged "live" edge is also simple and very beautiful - harnessing what nature has to offer" Venkat & Family, Yorkshire

Functional art furniture design by AS Stawicki www.ASStawicki.com

#earthytimber #asstawicki #diningtable #woodart #artwood #beautifulwood #oaktable #woodslabtable #woodentable #earthytable #earthydesign #earthyhome #earthydecor #earthyinteriors #rusticwoodtable #woodentable #liveedgetable #liveedge #ruggededge #functionalart #artist #earthytones #earthyhome #woodentable #resintable #bespoketable #luxuryinteriors #rusticinterior #interiordesign #farmhousetable @earthydesign @timberdeal @asstawicki


2 0

Reclaimed English oak dining table by EARTHY TIMBER. Beautiful imperfections, scars, knots &  voids enhanced with resin.  www.EarthyTimber.com

Reclaimed English oak dining table by EARTHY TIMBER. Beautiful imperfections, scars, knots & voids enhanced with resin.


"...The Dining TABLE - left us speechless! A great piece of artwork! The wood speaks to us. We love the natural lines and the earthy feel. The wavy rugged "live" edge is also simple and very beautiful - harnessing what nature has to offer" Venkat & Family, Yorkshire

Functional art furniture design by AS Stawicki www.ASStawicki.com

#earthytimber #asstawicki #diningtable #woodart #artwood #beautifulwood #oaktable #woodslabtable #woodentable #earthytable #earthydesign #earthyhome #earthydecor #earthyinteriors #rusticwoodtable #woodentable #liveedgetable #liveedge #ruggededge #functionalart #artist #earthytones #earthyhome #woodentable #resintable #bespoketable #luxuryinteriors #rusticinterior #interiordesign #farmhousetable @earthydesign @timberdeal @asstawicki


2 0

Reclaimed English oak dining table by EARTHY TIMBER. Beautiful imperfections, scars, knots &  voids enhanced with resin.  www.EarthyTimber.com

Reclaimed English oak dining table by EARTHY TIMBER. Beautiful imperfections, scars, knots & voids enhanced with resin.


"...The Dining TABLE - left us speechless! A great piece of artwork! The wood speaks to us. We love the natural lines and the earthy feel. The wavy rugged "live" edge is also simple and very beautiful - harnessing what nature has to offer" Venkat & Family, Yorkshire

Functional art furniture design by AS Stawicki www.ASStawicki.com

#earthytimber #asstawicki #diningtable #woodart #artwood #beautifulwood #oaktable #woodslabtable #woodentable #earthytable #earthydesign #earthyhome #earthydecor #earthyinteriors #rusticwoodtable #woodentable #liveedgetable #liveedge #ruggededge #functionalart #artist #earthytones #earthyhome #woodentable #resintable #bespoketable #luxuryinteriors #rusticinterior #interiordesign @earthydesign @timberdeal @asstawicki


5 0

Reclaimed English oak dining table by EARTHY TIMBER. Beautiful imperfections, scars, knots &  voids enhanced with resin.  www.EarthyTimber.com

Reclaimed English oak dining table by EARTHY TIMBER. Beautiful imperfections, scars, knots & voids enhanced with resin.


"...The Dining TABLE - left us speechless! A great piece of artwork! The wood speaks to us. We love the natural lines and the earthy feel. The wavy rugged "live" edge is also simple and very beautiful - harnessing what nature has to offer" Venkat & Family, Yorkshire

Functional art furniture design by AS Stawicki www.ASStawicki.com

#earthytimber #asstawicki #diningtable #woodart #artwood #beautifulwood #oaktable #woodslabtable #woodentable #earthytable #earthydesign #earthyhome #earthydecor #earthyinteriors #rusticwoodtable #woodentable #liveedgetable #liveedge #ruggededge #functionalart #artist #earthytones #earthyhome #woodentable #resintable #bespoketable #luxuryinteriors #rusticinterior #interiordesign @earthydesign @timberdeal @asstawicki


4 0

EARTHY TIMBER 's beautiful  English oak river dining table & matching bench, rustic features subtly enhanced with resins   www.EarthyTimber.com  Designed by AS Stawicki www.ASStawicki.com  #art #artfurniture #diningtable #luxuryfurniture #highendfurniture #heritage #heritagefurniture #oaktable #modernfurniture #liveedge #liveedgetable #resintable #rivertable #bespoketable #artist #asstawicki #earthytimber #earthy #earthyinteriors #custommade #sussex #naturalart #heritagetable #newhouse #modernwood #modernart #asstawicki #luxuryinteriors #designerfurniture #originaltable #originalfurniture @earthydesign @timberdeal @asstawicki @earthyluxury @earthytecture

EARTHY TIMBER 's beautiful English oak river dining table & matching bench, rustic features subtly enhanced with resins

Designed by AS Stawicki www.ASStawicki.com

#art #artfurniture #diningtable #luxuryfurniture #highendfurniture #heritage #heritagefurniture #oaktable #modernfurniture #liveedge #liveedgetable #resintable #rivertable #bespoketable #artist #asstawicki #earthytimber #earthy #earthyinteriors #custommade #sussex #naturalart #heritagetable #newhouse #modernwood #modernart #asstawicki #luxuryinteriors #designerfurniture #originaltable #originalfurniture @earthydesign @timberdeal @asstawicki @earthyluxury @earthytecture


5 0

EARTHY TIMBER 's beautiful  English oak river dining table & matching bench, rustic features subtly enhanced with resins   www.EarthyTimber.com  Designed by AS Stawicki www.ASStawicki.com  #art #artfurniture #diningtable #luxuryfurniture #highendfurniture #heritage #heritagefurniture #oaktable #modernfurniture #liveedge #liveedgetable #resintable #rivertable #bespoketable #artist #asstawicki #earthytimber #earthy #earthyinteriors #custommade #sussex #naturalart #heritagetable #newhouse #modernwood #modernart #asstawicki #luxuryinteriors #designerfurniture #originaltable #originalfurniture @earthydesign @timberdeal @asstawicki @earthyluxury @earthytecture

EARTHY TIMBER 's beautiful English oak river dining table & matching bench, rustic features subtly enhanced with resins

Designed by AS Stawicki www.ASStawicki.com

#art #artfurniture #diningtable #luxuryfurniture #highendfurniture #heritage #heritagefurniture #oaktable #modernfurniture #liveedge #liveedgetable #resintable #rivertable #bespoketable #artist #asstawicki #earthytimber #earthy #earthyinteriors #custommade #sussex #naturalart #heritagetable #newhouse #modernwood #modernart #asstawicki #luxuryinteriors #designerfurniture #originaltable #originalfurniture @earthydesign @timberdeal @asstawicki @earthyluxury @earthytecture


3 0

Earthy Timber 's kitchen statement  countertop in English walnut, featuring live edge, subtle smoked resin enhancements, led channel that brings unique play on grain, texture, tones and relaxed atmosphere especially at night.   www.EarthyTimber.com  #earthytimber #uniquewood #featurewall #woodenfeatures #kitchenart #art #artwood #woodartist #woodart #walnutkitchen #stonewall #barnconversion #barndesign #selfbuild #earthydesign #earthywalnut #earthydecor #earthytimber #earthy #earthywood #kitchenworktops #luxuryhomes #luxurykitchendesign #interiordesign #luxuryinteriors #asstawicki #luxuryhome @asstawicki @earthydesign @earthyluxury @earthytecture @timberdeal

Earthy Timber 's kitchen statement countertop in English walnut, featuring live edge, subtle smoked resin enhancements, led channel that brings unique play on grain, texture, tones and relaxed atmosphere especially at night.


#earthytimber #uniquewood #featurewall #woodenfeatures #kitchenart #art #artwood #woodartist #woodart #walnutkitchen #stonewall #barnconversion #barndesign #selfbuild #earthydesign #earthywalnut #earthydecor #earthytimber #earthy #earthywood #kitchenworktops #luxuryhomes #luxurykitchendesign #interiordesign #luxuryinteriors #asstawicki #luxuryhome @asstawicki @earthydesign @earthyluxury @earthytecture @timberdeal


0 0

Earthy Timber 's kitchen statement  countertop in English walnut, featuring live edge, subtle smoked resin enhancements, led channel that brings unique play on grain, texture, tones and relaxed atmosphere especially at night.   www.EarthyTimber.com  #earthytimber #uniquewood #featurewall #woodenfeatures #kitchenart #art #artwood #woodartist #woodart #walnutkitchen #stonewall #barnconversion #barndesign #selfbuild #earthydesign #earthywalnut #earthydecor #earthytimber #earthy #earthywood #kitchenworktops #luxuryhomes #luxurykitchendesign #interiordesign #luxuryinteriors #asstawicki #luxuryhome @asstawicki @earthydesign @earthyluxury @earthytecture @timberdeal

Earthy Timber 's kitchen statement countertop in English walnut, featuring live edge, subtle smoked resin enhancements, led channel that brings unique play on grain, texture, tones and relaxed atmosphere especially at night.


#earthytimber #uniquewood #featurewall #woodenfeatures #kitchenart #art #artwood #woodartist #woodart #walnutkitchen #stonewall #barnconversion #barndesign #selfbuild #earthydesign #earthywalnut #earthydecor #earthytimber #earthy #earthywood #kitchenworktops #luxuryhomes #luxurykitchendesign #interiordesign #luxuryinteriors #asstawicki #luxuryhome @asstawicki @earthydesign @earthyluxury @earthytecture @timberdeal


0 0

English oak kitchen island countertop in waterproof finish by Earthy Timber, functional art furniture handcrafted in the UK .   www.EarthyTimber.com  Art Wood Designs by   AS Stawicki www.ASStawicki.com   #earthytimber #kitchenisland #luxuryfurniture #highendfurniture #woodartist #woodart #artwood #kitchenfeature #art #functionalart #practicalart #liveedgeworktops #liveedgekitchenisland #liveedgekitchen #kitchenislanddesign #woodenworktops #oakworktops #earthytones #luxuryhomes #luxuryinteriors #luxurykitchendesign #luxuryhome #luxuryinteriordesign #asstawicki #londonhome #earthyinteriors #earthyfurniture #earthyhome @asstawicki @earthydesign @timberdeal @earthytecture @earthyluxury

English oak kitchen island countertop in waterproof finish by Earthy Timber, functional art furniture handcrafted in the UK .


Art Wood Designs by
AS Stawicki www.ASStawicki.com

#earthytimber #kitchenisland #luxuryfurniture #highendfurniture #woodartist #woodart #artwood #kitchenfeature #art #functionalart #practicalart #liveedgeworktops #liveedgekitchenisland #liveedgekitchen #kitchenislanddesign #woodenworktops #oakworktops #earthytones #luxuryhomes #luxuryinteriors #luxurykitchendesign #luxuryhome #luxuryinteriordesign #asstawicki #londonhome #earthyinteriors #earthyfurniture #earthyhome @asstawicki @earthydesign @timberdeal @earthytecture @earthyluxury


3 0

English oak kitchen island countertop featuring live edge bar area, rustic features enhanced with resin & waterproof finish by Earthy Timber, functional art furniture handcrafted in the UK .   www.EarthyTimber.com  Art Wood Designs by   AS Stawicki www.ASStawicki.com   #earthytimber #kitchenisland #luxuryfurniture #highendfurniture #woodartist #woodart #artwood #kitchenfeature #art #functionalart #practicalart #liveedgeworktops #liveedgekitchenisland #liveedgekitchen #kitchenislanddesign #woodenworktops #oakworktops #earthytones #luxuryhomes #luxuryinteriors #luxurykitchendesign #luxuryhome #luxuryinteriordesign #asstawicki #londonhome #earthyinteriors #earthyfurniture #earthyhome @asstawicki @earthydesign @timberdeal @earthytecture @earthyluxury

English oak kitchen island countertop featuring live edge bar area, rustic features enhanced with resin & waterproof finish by Earthy Timber, functional art furniture handcrafted in the UK .


Art Wood Designs by
AS Stawicki www.ASStawicki.com

#earthytimber #kitchenisland #luxuryfurniture #highendfurniture #woodartist #woodart #artwood #kitchenfeature #art #functionalart #practicalart #liveedgeworktops #liveedgekitchenisland #liveedgekitchen #kitchenislanddesign #woodenworktops #oakworktops #earthytones #luxuryhomes #luxuryinteriors #luxurykitchendesign #luxuryhome #luxuryinteriordesign #asstawicki #londonhome #earthyinteriors #earthyfurniture #earthyhome @asstawicki @earthydesign @timberdeal @earthytecture @earthyluxury


4 0

English oak kitchen island countertop in waterproof finish by Earthy Timber, functional art furniture handcrafted in the UK .   www.EarthyTimber.com  Art Wood Designs by   AS Stawicki www.ASStawicki.com   #earthytimber #kitchenisland #luxuryfurniture #highendfurniture #woodartist #woodart #artwood #kitchenfeature #art #functionalart #practicalart #liveedgeworktops #liveedgekitchenisland #liveedgekitchen #kitchenislanddesign #woodenworktops #oakworktops #earthytones #luxuryhomes #luxuryinteriors #luxurykitchendesign #luxuryhome #luxuryinteriordesign #asstawicki #londonhome #earthyinteriors #earthyfurniture #earthyhome @asstawicki @earthydesign @timberdeal @earthytecture @earthyluxury

English oak kitchen island countertop in waterproof finish by Earthy Timber, functional art furniture handcrafted in the UK .


Art Wood Designs by
AS Stawicki www.ASStawicki.com

#earthytimber #kitchenisland #luxuryfurniture #highendfurniture #woodartist #woodart #artwood #kitchenfeature #art #functionalart #practicalart #liveedgeworktops #liveedgekitchenisland #liveedgekitchen #kitchenislanddesign #woodenworktops #oakworktops #earthytones #luxuryhomes #luxuryinteriors #luxurykitchendesign #luxuryhome #luxuryinteriordesign #asstawicki #londonhome #earthyinteriors #earthyfurniture #earthyhome @asstawicki @earthydesign @timberdeal @earthytecture @earthyluxury


9 1

English oak kitchen island countertop by Earthy Timber, functional art furniture handcrafted in the UK   www.EarthyTimber.com  Art Wood Designs by   AS Stawicki www.ASStawicki.com   #earthytimber #kitchenisland #luxuryfurniture #highendfurniture #woodartist #woodart #artwood #kitchenfeature #art #functionalart #practicalart #liveedgeworktops #liveedgekitchenisland #liveedgekitchen #kitchenislanddesign #woodenworktops #oakworktops #earthytones #luxuryhomes #luxuryinteriors #luxurykitchendesign #luxuryhome #luxuryinteriordesign #asstawicki #londonhome #earthyinteriors #earthyfurniture #earthyhome @asstawicki @earthydesign @timberdeal @earthytecture @earthyluxury

English oak kitchen island countertop by Earthy Timber, functional art furniture handcrafted in the UK


Art Wood Designs by
AS Stawicki www.ASStawicki.com

#earthytimber #kitchenisland #luxuryfurniture #highendfurniture #woodartist #woodart #artwood #kitchenfeature #art #functionalart #practicalart #liveedgeworktops #liveedgekitchenisland #liveedgekitchen #kitchenislanddesign #woodenworktops #oakworktops #earthytones #luxuryhomes #luxuryinteriors #luxurykitchendesign #luxuryhome #luxuryinteriordesign #asstawicki #londonhome #earthyinteriors #earthyfurniture #earthyhome @asstawicki @earthydesign @timberdeal @earthytecture @earthyluxury


17 0

Handcrafted wooden dining tables in earthy - modern style by Earthy Timber  www.earthytimber.com   Interior design by @jndesigns27 . Jennifer creates beautiful living spaces   #interiordesign #diningtable #bespokefurniture #uniquetable #uniquefurniture #houserenovation #newhome #resintable #resintables #rivertable #rivertables #artinthehome #modernrusticdecor #bespoketable #handcraftedtable #designerfurniture #handcraftedfurniture #luxuryhomes #luxuryinteriors @earthydesign #functionalart @timberdeal @asstawicki

Handcrafted wooden dining tables in earthy - modern style by Earthy Timber

Interior design by @jndesigns27 . Jennifer creates beautiful living spaces

#interiordesign #diningtable #bespokefurniture #uniquetable #uniquefurniture #houserenovation #newhome #resintable #resintables #rivertable #rivertables #artinthehome #modernrusticdecor #bespoketable #handcraftedtable #designerfurniture #handcraftedfurniture #luxuryhomes #luxuryinteriors @earthydesign #functionalart @timberdeal @asstawicki


1 0

Handcrafted wooden dining tables in earthy - modern style by Earthy Timber  www.earthytimber.com   Interior design by @jndesigns27 . Jennifer creates beautiful living spaces   #interiordesign #diningtable #bespokefurniture #uniquetable #uniquefurniture #houserenovation #newhome #resintable #resintables #rivertable #rivertables #artinthehome #modernrusticdecor #bespoketable #handcraftedtable #designerfurniture #handcraftedfurniture #luxuryhomes #luxuryinteriors @earthydesign #functionalart @timberdeal @asstawicki

Handcrafted wooden dining tables in earthy - modern style by Earthy Timber

Interior design by @jndesigns27 . Jennifer creates beautiful living spaces

#interiordesign #diningtable #bespokefurniture #uniquetable #uniquefurniture #houserenovation #newhome #resintable #resintables #rivertable #rivertables #artinthehome #modernrusticdecor #bespoketable #handcraftedtable #designerfurniture #handcraftedfurniture #luxuryhomes #luxuryinteriors @earthydesign #functionalart @timberdeal @asstawicki


3 0

Handcrafted wooden dining tables in earthy - modern style by Earthy Timber  www.earthytimber.com   Interior design by @jndesigns27 . Jennifer creates beautiful living spaces   #interiordesign #diningtable #bespokefurniture #uniquetable #uniquefurniture #houserenovation #newhome #resintable #resintables #rivertable #rivertables #artinthehome #modernrusticdecor #bespoketable #handcraftedtable #designerfurniture #handcraftedfurniture #luxuryhomes #luxuryinteriors @earthydesign #functionalart @timberdeal @asstawicki

Handcrafted wooden dining tables in earthy - modern style by Earthy Timber

Interior design by @jndesigns27 . Jennifer creates beautiful living spaces

#interiordesign #diningtable #bespokefurniture #uniquetable #uniquefurniture #houserenovation #newhome #resintable #resintables #rivertable #rivertables #artinthehome #modernrusticdecor #bespoketable #handcraftedtable #designerfurniture #handcraftedfurniture #luxuryhomes #luxuryinteriors @earthydesign #functionalart @timberdeal @asstawicki


1 0

Handcrafted wooden dining tables in earthy - modern style by Earthy Timber  www.earthytimber.com   Interior design by @jndesigns27 . Jennifer creates beautiful living spaces   #interiordesign #diningtable #bespokefurniture #uniquetable #uniquefurniture #houserenovation #newhome #resintable #resintables #rivertable #rivertables #artinthehome #modernrusticdecor #bespoketable #handcraftedtable #designerfurniture #handcraftedfurniture #luxuryhomes #luxuryinteriors @earthydesign #functionalart @timberdeal @asstawicki

Handcrafted wooden dining tables in earthy - modern style by Earthy Timber

Interior design by @jndesigns27 . Jennifer creates beautiful living spaces

#interiordesign #diningtable #bespokefurniture #uniquetable #uniquefurniture #houserenovation #newhome #resintable #resintables #rivertable #rivertables #artinthehome #modernrusticdecor #bespoketable #handcraftedtable #designerfurniture #handcraftedfurniture #luxuryhomes #luxuryinteriors @earthydesign #functionalart @timberdeal @asstawicki


4 0

Organic - modern walnut desk top. So graceful and tactile,  unique wooden furniture from Earthy Timber.   www.EarthyTimber.com  Designed by AS Stawicki www.ASStawicki.com  #earthytimber #earthydecor #earthyinteriors #earthyfurniture #earthywalnut #earthywood #earthytable #interiordesign #luxuryhomes #luxuryinteriors #luxuryliving #bespokedesk #customdesk #standingdesk #sitstanddesk #adjustabledesk #homeoffice #homeofficedesign #homeofficedesk #executivedesk #walnutdesk #wooddesk #officedesign #beautifuldesk #organicwood #luxurydesk @earthydesign @timberdeal @asstawicki @earthyluxury @earthytecture

Organic - modern walnut desk top. So graceful and tactile, unique wooden furniture from Earthy Timber.


Designed by AS Stawicki www.ASStawicki.com

#earthytimber #earthydecor #earthyinteriors #earthyfurniture #earthywalnut #earthywood #earthytable #interiordesign #luxuryhomes #luxuryinteriors #luxuryliving #bespokedesk #customdesk #standingdesk #sitstanddesk #adjustabledesk #homeoffice #homeofficedesign #homeofficedesk #executivedesk #walnutdesk #wooddesk #officedesign #beautifuldesk #organicwood #luxurydesk @earthydesign @timberdeal @asstawicki @earthyluxury @earthytecture


3 0

Organic - modern walnut desk top. So graceful and tactile,  unique wooden furniture from Earthy Timber.   www.EarthyTimber.com  Designed by AS Stawicki www.ASStawicki.com  #earthytimber #earthydecor #earthyinteriors #earthyfurniture #earthywalnut #earthywood #earthytable #interiordesign #luxuryhomes #luxuryinteriors #luxuryliving #bespokedesk #customdesk #standingdesk #sitstanddesk #adjustabledesk #homeoffice #homeofficedesign #homeofficedesk #executivedesk #walnutdesk #wooddesk #officedesign #beautifuldesk #organicwood #luxurydesk @earthydesign @timberdeal @asstawicki @earthyluxury @earthytecture

Organic - modern walnut desk top. So graceful and tactile, unique wooden furniture from Earthy Timber.


Designed by AS Stawicki www.ASStawicki.com

#earthytimber #earthydecor #earthyinteriors #earthyfurniture #earthywalnut #earthywood #earthytable #interiordesign #luxuryhomes #luxuryinteriors #luxuryliving #bespokedesk #customdesk #standingdesk #sitstanddesk #adjustabledesk #homeoffice #homeofficedesign #homeofficedesk #executivedesk #walnutdesk #wooddesk #officedesign #beautifuldesk #organicwood #luxurydesk @earthydesign @timberdeal @asstawicki @earthyluxury @earthytecture


3 0

Organic - modern walnut desk top. So graceful and tactile,  unique wooden furniture from Earthy Timber.   www.EarthyTimber.com  Designed by AS Stawicki www.ASStawicki.com  #earthytimber #earthydecor #earthyinteriors #earthyfurniture #earthywalnut #earthywood #earthytable #interiordesign #luxuryhomes #luxuryinteriors #luxuryliving #bespokedesk #customdesk #standingdesk #sitstanddesk #adjustabledesk #homeoffice #homeofficedesign #homeofficedesk #executivedesk #walnutdesk #wooddesk #officedesign #beautifuldesk #organicwood #luxurydesk @earthydesign @timberdeal @asstawicki @earthyluxury @earthytecture

Organic - modern walnut desk top. So graceful and tactile, unique wooden furniture from Earthy Timber.


Designed by AS Stawicki www.ASStawicki.com

#earthytimber #earthydecor #earthyinteriors #earthyfurniture #earthywalnut #earthywood #earthytable #interiordesign #luxuryhomes #luxuryinteriors #luxuryliving #bespokedesk #customdesk #standingdesk #sitstanddesk #adjustabledesk #homeoffice #homeofficedesign #homeofficedesk #executivedesk #walnutdesk #wooddesk #officedesign #beautifuldesk #organicwood #luxurydesk @earthydesign @timberdeal @asstawicki @earthyluxury @earthytecture


0 0

Designer dining tables & statement  wooden table tops by Earthy Timber. Contemporary furniture  individually designed & handcrafted in the UK.   www.EarthyTimber.com   #earthytimber #diningtable #beautifulwood #woodgrain #bespokediningtable #oaktable #contemporarytable #contemporaryart #resintable #rivertable #rivertables #resintables #interiordesign #luxuryinteriordesign #moderninteriordesign #rusticinteriordesign #rustichomedecor #modernhome #modernhomedesign #oaktable #oaktabletop #moderntable #modernwoodfurniture #woodslabtable #livingroomdecor @earthydesign @timberdeal @asstawicki @earthyluxury

Designer dining tables & statement wooden table tops by Earthy Timber. Contemporary furniture individually designed & handcrafted in the UK.


#earthytimber #diningtable #beautifulwood #woodgrain #bespokediningtable #oaktable #contemporarytable #contemporaryart #resintable #rivertable #rivertables #resintables #interiordesign #luxuryinteriordesign #moderninteriordesign #rusticinteriordesign #rustichomedecor #modernhome #modernhomedesign #oaktable #oaktabletop #moderntable #modernwoodfurniture #woodslabtable #livingroomdecor @earthydesign @timberdeal @asstawicki @earthyluxury


7 0

Designer dining tables & statement  wooden table tops by Earthy Timber. Contemporary furniture  individually designed & handcrafted in the UK.   www.EarthyTimber.com   #earthytimber #diningtable #beautifulwood #woodgrain #bespokediningtable #oaktable #contemporarytable #contemporaryart #resintable #rivertable #rivertables #resintables #interiordesign #luxuryinteriordesign #moderninteriordesign #rusticinteriordesign #rustichomedecor #modernhome #modernhomedesign #oaktable #oaktabletop #moderntable #modernwoodfurniture #woodslabtable #livingroomdecor @earthydesign @timberdeal @asstawicki @earthyluxury

Designer dining tables & statement wooden table tops by Earthy Timber. Contemporary furniture individually designed & handcrafted in the UK.


#earthytimber #diningtable #beautifulwood #woodgrain #bespokediningtable #oaktable #contemporarytable #contemporaryart #resintable #rivertable #rivertables #resintables #interiordesign #luxuryinteriordesign #moderninteriordesign #rusticinteriordesign #rustichomedecor #modernhome #modernhomedesign #oaktable #oaktabletop #moderntable #modernwoodfurniture #woodslabtable #livingroomdecor @earthydesign @timberdeal @asstawicki @earthyluxury


6 0

Designer dining tables & statement  wooden table tops by Earthy Timber. Contemporary furniture  individually designed & handcrafted in the UK.   www.EarthyTimber.com   #earthytimber #diningtable #beautifulwood #woodgrain #bespokediningtable #oaktable #contemporarytable #contemporaryart #resintable #rivertable #rivertables #resintables #interiordesign #luxuryinteriordesign #moderninteriordesign #rusticinteriordesign #rustichomedecor #modernhome #modernhomedesign #oaktable #oaktabletop #moderntable #modernwoodfurniture #woodslabtable #livingroomdecor @earthydesign @timberdeal @asstawicki

Designer dining tables & statement wooden table tops by Earthy Timber. Contemporary furniture individually designed & handcrafted in the UK.


#earthytimber #diningtable #beautifulwood #woodgrain #bespokediningtable #oaktable #contemporarytable #contemporaryart #resintable #rivertable #rivertables #resintables #interiordesign #luxuryinteriordesign #moderninteriordesign #rusticinteriordesign #rustichomedecor #modernhome #modernhomedesign #oaktable #oaktabletop #moderntable #modernwoodfurniture #woodslabtable #livingroomdecor @earthydesign @timberdeal @asstawicki


6 0

English oak river dining table & matching bench, rustic - modern furniture by Earthy Timber.   www.EarthyTimber.com

English oak river dining table & matching bench, rustic - modern furniture by Earthy Timber.


"...Fabulous table! I just wanted to let you know how delighted we are with the table and bench - it is everything we hoped for, and suites the room really well..." Kate, Hampshire

#earthytimber #earthyinteriors #earthytones #liveedgetable #bespokediningtable #oaktable #liveedgewoodtable #diningroomdecor #diningroomdesign #openplankitchen #moderntraditional #modernfurniture #earthyinteriors #interiordesign #waneyedgetable #resintable #resintables #resinart #rivertable #rivertables @earthydesign @timberdeal


2 0

English oak river dining table & matching bench, rustic - modern furniture by Earthy Timber.   www.EarthyTimber.com

English oak river dining table & matching bench, rustic - modern furniture by Earthy Timber.


"...Fabulous table! I just wanted to let you know how delighted we are with the table and bench - it is everything we hoped for, and suites the room really well..." Kate, Hampshire

#earthytimber #earthyinteriors #earthytones #liveedgetable #bespokediningtable #oaktable #liveedgewoodtable #diningroomdecor #diningroomdesign #openplankitchen #moderntraditional #modernfurniture #earthyinteriors #interiordesign #waneyedgetable #resintable #resintables #resinart #rivertable #rivertables @earthydesign @timberdeal


6 0

English oak river dining table & matching bench, rustic - modern furniture by Earthy Timber.   www.EarthyTimber.com

English oak river dining table & matching bench, rustic - modern furniture by Earthy Timber.


"...Fabulous table! I just wanted to let you know how delighted we are with the table and bench - it is everything we hoped for, and suites the room really well..." Kate, Hampshire

#earthytimber #earthyinteriors #earthytones #liveedgetable #bespokediningtable #oaktable #liveedgewoodtable #diningroomdecor #diningroomdesign #openplankitchen #moderntraditional #modernfurniture #earthyinteriors #interiordesign #waneyedgetable #resintable #resintables #resinart #rivertable #rivertables @earthydesign @timberdeal


0 0

English oak river dining table & matching bench, rustic - modern furniture by Earthy Timber.   www.EarthyTimber.com

English oak river dining table & matching bench, rustic - modern furniture by Earthy Timber.


"...Fabulous table! I just wanted to let you know how delighted we are with the table and bench - it is everything we hoped for, and suites the room really well..." Kate, Hampshire

#earthytimber #earthyinteriors #earthytones #liveedgetable #bespokediningtable #oaktable #liveedgewoodtable #diningroomdecor #diningroomdesign #openplankitchen #moderntraditional #modernfurniture #earthyinteriors #interiordesign #waneyedgetable #resintable #resintables #resinart #rivertable #rivertables @earthydesign @timberdeal


0 0

English oak river dining table & matching bench, rustic - modern furniture by Earthy Timber.   www.EarthyTimber.com

English oak river dining table & matching bench, rustic - modern furniture by Earthy Timber.


"...Fabulous table! I just wanted to let you know how delighted we are with the table and bench - it is everything we hoped for, and suites the room really well..." Kate, Hampshire

#earthytimber #earthyinteriors #earthytones #liveedgetable #bespokediningtable #oaktable #liveedgewoodtable #diningroomdecor #diningroomdesign #openplankitchen #moderntraditional #modernfurniture #earthyinteriors #interiordesign #waneyedgetable #resintable #resintables #resinart #rivertable #rivertables @earthydesign @timberdeal


2 0

Bespoke, feature wood dining table 2200x1000mm  with smoked resin  enhancements in high quality, matt waterproof finish by Earthy Timber.   www. EarthyTimber.com  Sophisticated , modern - classical style furniture designed by AS Stawicki   www.ASStawicki.com

Bespoke, feature wood dining table 2200x1000mm with smoked resin enhancements in high quality, matt waterproof finish by Earthy Timber.
www. EarthyTimber.com

Sophisticated , modern - classical style furniture designed by AS Stawicki

"...I'm over the moon with my dining table. I was quite emotional when I saw it. it's a beautiful piece of art and I'm excited to have it in my new home. Thanks a million" Sarah, Leamington Spa

#earthytimber #beautifultable #liveedgetable #oaktable #moderndiningtable #classicalfurniture #modernfurniture #bespokefurniture #woodart #artwood #diningtable #interiordesign #luxuryhomes #bespoketable #luxuryinteriors #selfbuld #newhome #resintable #rivertable #resintables #asstawicki #customtable #diningroomdecor #diningroomideas @earthydesign @asstawicki @timberdeal


30 2

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Oak Window Sill Bathroom

Source: https://treesome.co.uk/live-edge-wood-shelves-sussex-kent-london-hampshire/

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